The Merchant Cash Advance Program is ideal for businesses that might not want, or cannot qualify for a traditional loan. By basing the funding amount you qualify for on the volume of your credit card or gross sales, the Merchant Cash Advance program allows us to convert your future credit card receivables into the immediate capital you need.Whether the funds are needed to expand, renovate, or simply reduce debt, access to capital can empower your business to thrive, and the Merchant Cash Advance Program can be the source of that success.
- You may qualify for up to 85-250 % of your monthly credit card processing sales volume, and use the funds for virtually any business purpose.
- Instead of fixed payments required by most traditional banks, repayments are linked to your business’s daily credit card sales. When sales are slow, payments are minimal and automatically applied until your balance is satisfied.
- An experienced Account Executive will be assigned specifically to your account to assist you throughout the financing process.
- Approximately 90% of our Merchant Cash Advance clients participate in the program more than once. In fact, the average customer renews about ten times!
Sign up for merchant accounts, payment gateways, gift/loyalty cards, merchant cash advance/ loan, check, EBT, Debit and payroll services that we offer through our Online Merchant Application.