Is a Merchant Cash Advance Right for Your Business?

Posted by STEVE NICASTRO, on 16th May 2016

You’re out of inventory, a tornado took the roof — or you’ve come across a golden opportunity. Whatever the reason, you need quick cash. But if you have bad credit or no collateral, you may not be able to get a small-business loan. A merchant cash advance may seem like your next best option.

MCAs come with high approval rates and fast access to capital, but you pay for that speed and convenience: Borrowing costs can be sky high. For this reason, small-business owners should consider other options first and look at MCAs as a financing option of last resort.

Is a merchant cash advance right for your business?

How a merchant cash advance works

A merchant cash advance is financing for companies that have credit or debit card sales, such as restaurants or retail businesses. Unlike a regular loan, which is repaid on a fixed schedule (typically weekly, biweekly or monthly), MCAs are repaid daily. A percentage of your credit or debit card sales is withheld until the agreed-upon amount has been repaid in full.

Let’s say you need $50,000 to purchase a new oven for your restaurant, which you expect to increase sales. You apply and get approved for an MCA of $50,000. Fees are determined by a factor rate, so multiply your advance by the factor rate, and you’ll have your repayment amount and total fees:

$50000 1.4 $20000 $70000

A fixed percentage is automatically deducted from your credit and debit card sales until the entire $70,000 is collected. The average repayment period typically ranges from three to 12 months. The higher your credit card sales, the faster you’ll repay the MCA.

In this case, let’s say you agree to deduct 10% of your monthly credit card sales until the total amount is repaid ($70,000), and your business averages $100,000 in credit card revenue per month. You’d repay $10,000 monthly, and at this pace, the advance would be repaid by the seventh month. But if your sales drop to $70,000 in revenue per month, the MCA wouldn’t be repaid in full until the 10th month.

Pros of MCAs

  1. They’re quick. MCAs can be obtained very quickly — often within a week or so — with no heavy paperwork to slow things down. MCA providers will look at your business’s daily credit card receipts to determine if you can repay the money, so they will likely require that you provide bank statements and credit card receipts during the application process.
  2. You won’t lose your home. MCAs are unsecured business loans, so collateral is not required. This means you don’t have to forfeit any personal assets or business assets if your sales plunge and you fail to repay. Businesses that can’t qualify for a bank loan because of collateral requirements typically can qualify for an MCA if they have strong credit card sales.
  3. When sales are down, your payment is too. Because the repayment schedule is based on a fixed percentage of your sales, repayments adjust based on how well your business is doing. So if sales are lagging, you repay less, giving you more flexibility to manage a slowdown in business.

Sign up for merchant accounts, payment gateways, gift/loyalty cards, merchant cash advance/ loan, check, EBT, Debit and payroll services that we offer through our Online Merchant Application.